Sunday, June 06, 2004

Okay, kids, it's whining time!

Hi internet, how are you? "Is anyone alive out there? Can anyone hear me?" I love everything Titanic; I was born on the anniversary of the day it was hit by the iceburg, and they found the wreck the year I was born...But that wasn't what I meant to write about...I bought my sister a CD that she picked out, Linkin Park. And bought it with money I actually earned, so that was good. I feel crappy right now...I made my mother mad again...honeymoon's definitely over. Part of it was her fault, because she wasn't listening to me and doing something that made me mad... but then I was yelling at her for something my father did, cause he wasn't there for me to yell at. He has no concept of personal space...I've told him not to mess with what's mine and not to eat what's mine...which isn't just me being annoying cause there's only certain stuff I can eat...but he does it anyway. He is so aggravating...We moved two years ago and he still hasn't fixed up our old house so we can sell it. He tries to do everything himself and ends up screwing it up...Anyway, he wasn't here tonight and we actually ate about opposed to 10:00. And we actually cooked...but then again it was a special occasion, my sister's birthday dinner...I suppose that completes the griping for today, but I'll be back...Remember D-Day!


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