Many, Many Odd Habits
As we all know, I love memes. Because sometimes I'm lazy and it's easier than actually thinking up something clever. I mean, uhhhh, cause they're fun.
1. I watch TV with the subtitles on. I don't like to miss a single detail. And the new Sound of Music DVD has the nuns' singing in Latin captioned...I don't know why this fascinates me.
2. I also have a tendency to memorize stuff I hear. I just pick it up, mostly songs. Or the entire second scene of the Lion King, with Scar and the mouse (Life's not fair, is it? You see I, well, I, shall never be king. And you shall never see the light of another day....)
3. I had this really good odd habit thing in mind and when I remember it I'll put it here.
4. I'm actually very particular about how I sleep. I have to have showered if I've been outside (i.e. even if I showered that morning I still have to that night). The door to the hall has to be shut, hall light off. And the bathroom door, also light off. Covers tucked in, so my feet don't hit space. TV on, usually history channel but sometimes a DVD. And yes, a stuffed rabbit.
5. I had a class one time in a room where the air conditioner made a 'errrrrrrrrr' sound. I couldn't hear it, my brain just tuned it out and it didn't bother me. But on the other hand, I got a new watch for Christmas. I really needed one but I don't wear it much because I think it ticks too loud. It just drives me nuts.
it makes me crazy when those subtitles are on, i wind up reading instead of watching and listening.
i always have to sleep a certain way too, something comforting about that, not weird.
But does the watch keep you cool?
Those Latin subtitles are done by tiny little monks inside the DVD player.
i still believe in monsters hiding under the bed..
i cant sleep if my feet's sticking out from the bed! i'm convinced SOMETHING will take a nip!!!!!!
I use the CC, too. I hate missing dialogue because the music is too loud!
How's school going?
The hiiiillls are alive...with the sound of muuuusic....
I have to sleep with a bear tucked in on my shoulder. Sometimes, I have a bear swarm.
:) Alice
Has the stuffed rabbit picked up the latin language yet?
I don't like subtitles cuz I can't watch the movie while I'm reading the words on the screen.
Can you actually read Latin? Just curious - my youngest daughter is taking Latin this year, and she loves it!
sweetie if you wanted to know what the latin was in the Sound of Music, you could've just asked me.
Dixit dominus domino meo.... sede a dextrie meis.... AHHH ITS ALL IN MY BRAIN...
As long as you're not wearing fuzzy bunny slippers...
I like subtitles too. I have to have all lights off while sleeping.
Oddly enough, Nettie, I do the first three things you list, including the subtitles. I get annoyed when a DVD doesn't have them.
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