Two-Second News Reactions
Mexico upset church takes drug money donations. It's against the Catholic church's policy? Well, duh!
Silicone breast implants OK'd. You think when someone has hers taken out, her chest still looks like it did before she had them? Does it change permanently, or do they just deflate back the way they were?
Sixteenth anniversary of Hurricane Hugo. You aren't a true South Carolinian if you don't have a Hugo story.
Yogurt cup activity fun. And I need to get a life? I mean, yogurt cups?
Rita will put gas above $3 again. They say the prices "should be back to $2.50 by November or December." Well, merry Christmas to you then.
Strippers return to New Orleans. That'll boost the volunteers' spirits! In fact, I could see an increase in men signing up to work certain sections of the French Quarter...
And as a special bonus, kids, I'll throw in a moral: Don't speed.
LOL @ drug donations. That sounds rather...interesting.
I think maybe they have to take up the loose skin.
I saw gas down to $3.09...they're practically giving it away. I read oil would have to be at $95 a barrel to justify $3 a gallon. I'm so glad oil CEO's will get another windfall.
Will work productivity increase? Waaay back when in hs, we had a school campout and it turned out it was near a nude beach...not much work got done by the guys.
How much is the ticket?
Stripping for Katrina...hmmm, maybe it's time I made a career change...
Oh, you meant female strippers. Sorry.
Has it REALLY been 16 years since Hugo? My uncle lived in Charleston back then and even a year later, things were torn up and awful.
Also, I didn't know you were from SC. I guess I should have read your profile. :-)
Have a great weekend!
what a great news cast.
From strippers, to implants, to yogurt "cup" fun----this can be all relative. ;)
Too funny!
Great Post! What a riot!
Great Post! What a riot!
Aw, come on! What's wrong with speeeding? It's practically the only fun thing kids can do these days. *grin*
Regarding the strippers: Maybe we should ask them to stay for a few days.
Speeding is my only friend. Don't take that away from me!
wow, someone has been busy!!!!
drug money donations, that doesn't sound quite right
i'd say if you took them out, you're be back to what you were before, probably deflated, isn't that the oint of an implant?
i'm from canada, no story to tell.
well, as a former girl guide leader and kindergarten teacher, i'd say that site is awesome!!!!
doesn't matter what the gas costs, cuz where i live, the stations are EMPTY!!!!!!!
i'm surprised they left at all.
Strippers in NO? Guess the only clothes on their back can come off too.
Wow Nettie, you're rivalling Jeff here with your news reports. I think he would have missed the yogurt cups story though.
Real men don't eat yogurt.
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