You've Been in PT Too Long When
The other therapists know your name and that the pink leopard bag is yours.
They bug you for coupons from your job, too.
There's a certain side of the garage that you just have to park on.
You don't bother wearing makeup there.
"What are you here for?" "Well, first I had surgery on this one, and then I had surgery on that one, and they're trying to avoid more surgery on this one..." "Oh. I'm sorry..."
Ice bowling!
Equating exercises with real life- "Yeah, it'll be good to increase the weight, cause the boy keeps getting bigger!"
They've heard you blather on and on about your nephew. But wait, everybody has.
Think "spellchecker".
Which side of the garage do you park on? And why don't they have you a reserved space yet?
you should have your own space, i'd look into that if i were you. there's a price to pay for handing out coupons.
Also: a happy birthday to Blair.
Ahhh, that is so sweet of you Nettie!
Thank you!
Personally, I never park on the side of a garage...I always park on the floor.
I would say that you know you've been there too long if they know your middle name...if they don't know that yet, then you're safe!
Bather away, that's why we're all visitors to your blog.
If they know what your nephew is doing at this moment, you've got a problem. Also, if you are there that much, MAKE them give you a parking space!
Don't fell good enought to read this so...great job nettie, best post today!
Nettie, it's Christmas time and I have two teenage daughters. . would you be a good sport and send me some coupons for BBW, please???
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