Saturday, December 11, 2004


As I am sure you are all so anxious to know, my finals are over! That's right, no more whining about how much I have to study and all that. Anyway, Spanish was ok, she metioned that no one in her other class had made an A, but I wrote this really beautiful essay on it. The topic was that it was 2025 and you were giving a speech on all your accomplishments. I had a very fruitful life- I went to Duke (with my friend Meka, which she found amusing), did my residency at Emory, met a great man and had two kids, and was appointed as a liason to the governor. Yay me! Statistics today went well also. But it wasn't as exciting as going to Duke...


At 12/12/2004 01:38:00 AM, Blogger Mark said...

Congrats on the finals and keep on dreaming (I'm sure at least part of that will come true)...(so how was the Duke basketball team? Still a powerhouse?)

At 12/15/2004 02:39:00 AM, Blogger Ymir said...

Congratulations - it's always a great feeling to finish something, particularly when it's difficult.

More power to you.



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