Monday, December 20, 2004

Hangin' Tough

I think I have the worst timing in the world. I was nice and picked up a shift today for someone, and then I already had an evening shift. I was on call for the shift in between, so I just stayed. which means I worked a triple. I didn't really feel it while I was at work but driving home I did. I'm sure it didn't help that they had to haul me off from work last night in an ambulance. Again. Anaphylactic shock sucks. It could have been worse, I guess, my manager was able to keep it quiet. They came to the back door. They were really nice this time (it was a different county and different ER since I was at work). They kept insisting that I needed to get into the fresh air,which I couldn't understand, but once I was able to to, I explained that if BBW was going to kill me (i.e. from something I breathed in there), it would have after a month. I freaked out everybody at work, but Harmony, my manager, was really great, she was like, Get back to work, staring isn't going to help her. That was not the place I would have chosen to have an allergic reaction, but everybody was really concerned today and I was able to joke about it, so I guess it turned out OK overall. I am so glad I have this job, though, I'm really enjoying it now. Anyway, I have another triple on Tuesday, but tomorrow I only have one shift. The rest of the week is doubles. But it's all good, keeps me earning, busy and out of trouble. Mostly.


At 12/21/2004 01:49:00 AM, Blogger Blair said...

Nettie, be careful, I don't need to worry about your health too!

At 12/22/2004 01:52:00 PM, Blogger Mark said...

Nettie, sorry you have to go through all that...hope you have a safe, healthy, Merry Christmas...

At 5/30/2006 08:42:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I felt totally myself, nothing like the emptiness and horrible feeling I had then pulling out the older woman phone sex Olympics older woman phone sex


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