Saturday, April 30, 2005

In That Place

I'm at the point now where pretty much everything is funny. Even things that really shouldn't be. Tripping over my own big feet for the third time? Funny. Harmony almost crushing Alisha under the gate when we left? Funny. (Hey, they both agreed with me on this). Going out to take the trash and making up nonsense songs with Leslie ("I'm so excited...The trash is almost done....And we just can't hide it"....etc.)? Funny. Spending three plus hours taking a calculus exam and coming out of there making no sense? Oh, the hilarity never ends. And I have three more exams to go. I'm not even halfway done. I shudder to think how very little sense I will be making by Tuesday.

I always get like this at exams, all loopy and punch drunk. And then I sleep for three days straight afterwards. It seems to be magnified this time, though, for whatever reason. Maybe it's cause I'm having to move out on my own simultaneously, or maybe it's all the other stuff that's going on in my life. Probably that. It's amazing, though, just when I think I can't take one...more....thing..., God gives me just enough strength to go on. I know there is no way I could be doing all this on my own. When it comes down to it, I guess I treat life as just one big joke, something that you have to laugh at or you're never gonna get through it. And I'm thankful that I do have the ability to laugh at it. But I will be glad when I start making sense again...


At 5/01/2005 12:53:00 PM, Blogger Jeff H said...


Just kiddin'...

At 5/02/2005 10:26:00 AM, Blogger Jennifer Swanepoel said...

I don't make much sense when I'm in the throes of exam time. I feel your pain, girl! It'll be all over on Tuesday! For both of us! We should have a party to celebrate...I'll bring the Lucky Charms, you bring the Coke! Jeff can bring dip. :) Anyone else want to sign up to bring something??

At 5/02/2005 11:53:00 AM, Blogger Jeff H said...

I ask you right kindly to stop callin' my future bride-to-be a "dip".

Oh, you meant...never mind...

At 5/03/2005 01:03:00 PM, Blogger Jennifer Swanepoel said...

Jeff- LOL! You crack me up. :)


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