Saturday, September 04, 2004

My Cousin

I mentioned my cousin Kevin a while back, so here's an update on him. He lives in Virginia, and his family tried to get him into Johns Hopkins, but they were jerks and said they couldn't help him. He's got an appointment at some place in New York, don't know where. The search is still on for a bone marrow donor- neither his parents nor his sister, my cousin Alisa, can do it. Alisa's having a pretty hard time with this too. He is now back on chemo, but he is not giving up- he is still in school, and he is still fighting. I believe that he will beat this, but all kind thoughts and prayers are definitely appreciated.

As for me...well, after the last ER trip, my roommate Kate moved out, without even talking to me- she said she couldn't handle it. There is a lot more to the story, but I really wish she had bothered to talk to me, rather than just running. I hate that I may have lost her as a friend, forever, but I feel like she has made her choice, because if you really care about somebody, you won't just abandon them. I realize many may disagreee with this, but there are elements to this I can't share that have made me decide that she lost her chance. It's a big blow to me to have lost her; I only hope it was worth it for her. I still do not know what is causing my allergic reactions. I have had some tests, but the results are not back yet, and they aren't exhaustive. So basically I'm just trying to live my life and hope nothing else happens....


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