Sunday, February 27, 2005

The CSI Is Watching You....

For some reason, I had the fun song lyric of "I always feel like somebody's watching me..." stuck in my head today. Cheryl heard me sing it and asked me who I thought was watching me. I inquired who she thought was watching me. FBI? No, why would the FBI be watching me? OK, CSI? Well, Cheryl, first off CSI is a television show. Did you mean the CIA, perhaps? Poor Cheryl, for the rest of our shift she heard, "The CSI is watching me! The fictional CSI is watching me!" I'm so merciless.

It was a gray, ugly, rainy day, a day to sleep in and do nothing. Not for me, unfortunately. Maybe I'm just cranky because both the Chocolate Lucky Charms and the York peppermint patties are gone. I don't know how these things happen. Perhaps I shouldn't keep the Yorks by the computer, since I'm always on it. Funny, with all this practice I'd think my typing skills would improve. But I still type incredibly slow and still look at the keyboard despite what they tried to teach me in elementary school. I suppsoe some habits I will never get rid of, no matter how I try. Like eating chocolate.


At 2/27/2005 11:50:00 PM, Blogger Jeff H said...

I believe I've made my feelings about chocolate abundantly clear in a previous comment.

Be sure to turn your keyboard upside down and shake it at least once a week. Don't want crumbs building up in there.

And I'd suggest you *not* eat whatever falls out.

At 2/27/2005 11:58:00 PM, Blogger Nettie said...

Yes, you did make it quite clear That's good advice- but disgusting!

At 2/28/2005 03:59:00 AM, Blogger KEF said...

;) I like CSI NY lotsa lotsa lotsa

At 2/28/2005 04:39:00 AM, Blogger Peas on Toast said...

The CIA is definately watching. Everytime you send -email out, or serach a website with keywords like 'Osama Bin Laden,' 'New World Order', 'bomb' etc etc you get flagged, and the big bad headquarters are reading you stuff. So assuming I say, "Nettie, you're the bomb," the CIA just read that.

Freaky hey.

At 2/28/2005 05:12:00 AM, Blogger Jo said...

I'm a tortoise typer too. And I enjoy dark chocolate. Do you like tiramisu? ;)

At 2/28/2005 04:19:00 PM, Blogger Amigo said...

Can the CIA really track all the emails, search quiries and whatever even if they follow key words like Osama, bomb etc?

I really don't think they have the staff and the time to do that kind of job.

Looking at google, here's the following:
Osama - 4,950,000 hits
Osama bin Laden - 2,660,000
bomb - 17,600,000
OBL + bomb - 900,000

That's a lotta crap to wade through.

At 2/28/2005 04:51:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo waz aaaaaapppp in the hizzy???

At 2/28/2005 04:51:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo waz aaaaaapppp in the hizzy???

At 2/28/2005 05:50:00 PM, Blogger Jeff H said...

Hey, Amigo: you kinda answered your own question. Google got those results in, what? Like a second or 2? "Wading" through it (i.e., doing meaningful intelligence analysis) would of course take longer, but is by no means a stretch, given the security/intelligence community's access to processing power.

Yes, in case anyone hadn't figured out already, I am a geek through-and-through.

At 2/28/2005 06:18:00 PM, Blogger Amigo said...

But that was only four queries that produced 26 million+ sites. I'm sure there are a lot more phrases you can test to make the number truly astronomical. Then there are emails to review (and translate if not in English).

All just too much information to look through in a timely manner; so I'm still reluctant to believe the government watches over us.

At 2/28/2005 10:35:00 PM, Blogger Nettie said...

Wow, I wasn't expecting conspiracy theories. But it makes for interesting discussion...


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