She Talks About Us on Her Website
Kiernan is threatening my website. She says she's going to leave nasty comments. I don't know why; I'm always so sweet to her. But seriously, apparently she didn't get scared off and is still reading..Even the archives, apparently she's surprised that I talk about people nicely- including Harmony, whose quote is the title.
When we were discussing this, Jen went, "You talk about the people you work with?" Well, yeah, they are just so entertaining! Case in point: Kiernan and I got around to politics, in a convoluted way. She said, "I didn't like Bush or Kerry. They both sucked." "Well I agree with half that statement." And then we both started laughing. I like to think I have a fair and balanced view on politics- I can laugh at the Bush jokes, too!
I only talk about Kiernan so much cause I know she's reading. "I know where your website is, Nettie...." I hope this isn't a bunch of inside jokes that no one can understand. I think I love my job so much because half the people there are as 'special' as I am. I don't know what the other half are. Or how they go through life without all the fun arcane knowledge like quoting old commercials- I'm partial to Baywatch Barbie myself....
A friend of mine did the design, I love it too. As for the PJs, nobody at college cares what I wear, and my sister, who goes to the same school, does it too. Glad you liked my blog and hope you come back often!'re the cutest...
I was kidding about Kiernan- I pretty much get alnog with everyone at BBW, thankfully. Hope it works out with your person though.
I remember when I first read your blog hearing about the people you work with. It always sounds like a great place to work. I commented on the last post and it's missing. This is happening all the time now.
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