Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Nothing Creative

My allergies are driving me crazy right now, I'm all congested and wheezy...Random tidbit- J.K. Rowling is allergic to cats and has asthma just like me, I find that interesting...Anyway, I figured out how to make links, they're kind of crude, but they should be on the bottom, check 'em out...and props go to chigirl, who put my blog on her favorites. I'm honored and when I figure out how I'll return the favor...Anyway, here's what's happening...
TV Watching: some national geographic special about dolphins, earlier a cool medical show on tlc about a domino transplant, which is really weird and complex
Eating: cap'n crunch choco-donuts and cherry 7-up
Doing: nothing useful
Pondering: the turnover of power in Iraq
Wanting: financial freedom, and to pass my written EMT test
Listening: ZOEgirl ...want new cd but must save money...
Had enough of my life for today? Okay. When I get back to school I'll be able to bum my roommate's digital camera. I'm almost looking forward to it...


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