Saturday, January 22, 2005

In the Darkness Is the Light

For some reason, all of the lights in our bathroom are out. At first it was only half of them, but now they are all gone. And since I can't sleep if I don't shower, it means showering in the dark. It's an interesting experience, but once you get used to it, it's kind of peaceful without the blaring flourescent lights.. We have been boxing up a lot of the stuff in our back room to take to our off-site storage. One of the other associates and I had to load the stuff onto the U-Haul and move it in the parking lot. Autumn did a lousy parking job, but I doubt I would have done any better! It is really windy out now, so it feels cold. I can't wait for spring to get here. It's going to be an awesome one cause by summer I will have turned twenty and will have a new baby niece or nephew, probably in that order buty ou never know! But that still isn't for another couple of months...and in the meantime, it could at least climb out of the 20s....


At 1/24/2005 12:22:00 AM, Blogger Andrea said...

A new baby, cool! (be careful,they can be irritating!)Um... Bye!
congrats on the b-day!
thanks for visiting my blog!
and I went to colarado springs in colarado.


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