Sunday, June 05, 2005

Nettie's Awesome, Linktastic, Insanely Long Blogiversary Extravaganza

I started this whole thing because I was bored. There is really no deeper meaning to it than that. I never dreamed how much this would come to mean to me, how much I would see and learn from what started as a desire to carve out my own little notch in cyberspace. As I look back on this year, so much has happened, and gradually my blog became such an important part of it. So if you will allow me to remember...

I wasn't one of those people who started off and quickly had a lot of readers. I didn't have a clue. My first post was a political rant- that I probably have in common with many others. I don't think I figured out links for six months in. I'm not a perfectionist really, but when it comes to blogging I've become one, and it drives me nuts to look at my early stuff, seeing how horrible I think it is now. I did attract a few people in those early days- I was happy if I got even one comment! Somehow, though, they all seemed to drift away, so I went for a while being one of those "boring-diaries-of-my-life-that-no-one-reads".

In the middle of November, I happened upon Blair, who I just loved cause she was pregnant at the time, and I was waiting for my niece or nephew to be born. Those early posts still make me cringe, but I was improving. I think. And in December- Mark, and Sweetie, and Edwin. Things were picking up- I had learned to love my job, and not just because it provided endless entertaining fodder for my blog. And I had people who were actually reading me. But the explosion was yet to come...

It's all thanks to Darlene. I came across her blog like I did a lot of others- by hitting the next blog button- but this one was a real treasure. And through my inserting myself into her clique- Jeff, Paula, Cindy-Lou; through them, others, as I picked up a few more on my own. Suddenly, I looked around, and I had a community. One that would soon, I have to use this word, serve me in ways I hadn't imagined.

February 11. This is still so hard for me to write about. It's the night I found out that my cousin Kevin was dead. I'd written a slightly cranky post the day before- I don't even remember what I was upset about now- but had planned a nice cheerful post to make up for it. But the second I heard that news...I've said before that it was a grief like no other I have ever experienced. I'm normally a pretty strong person, but I just fell apart. And at three in the morning, when I couldn't sleep, I came to my computer. I know y'all's prayers were what kept me going and functioning, that weekend and during many of the days that followed. And I took comfort in the fact that I could tell his family that people all over the world were lifting them up. I was overwhelmed by the support I got. And when I try to tell people how much this blog means to me, this is what I say: Thank you for that. Thank all of you for that.

I guess that was a turning point, of sorts. I realized the support I had in cyberspace. And maybe even more than that, the support that I could provide in cyberspace. That was when Darlene put together my current gorgeous design, which I am slowly learning to add to and play with, and occasionally screw up. Plus, a photo account, and an adjunct blog for pictures and stuff. As for the future, I have no foreseeable plans to expand into a dotcom, since my blogging budget sits at zero. Besides, I have a demented affection for Blogger. I do hope to see my readership increase, but not to the point that I can't interact with each of you. I'll never be one of the biggies. Which may be because although I have pretty strong opinions, I usually end up yakking about basically nothing. I think it's a good thing when I can go through my archives, and see the old comments that still make me laugh. I love all of y'all, and even if you weren't specifically mentioned (or plagiarized), I was thinking about you!

If any of you actually clicked on all the links, I am seriously impressed. But enough history. It's time to celebrate. The question is, how? My first thought was to yank some chains, pretending that at long last, I would actually reveal my real name. But that would only be fun for me. Giving you one no-holds-barred question? Too revealing. Idea I had in bed at 3 A.M.? Lost it. Pictures? Boring. So finally, I decided to leave it up to you. After all, without you, all this effort would be wasted. How do you want to party? Make it awesome! But please do leave me some nice comments- I worked waaaaaay too long and hard on this. So spread the word, Nettie's having a knock-down, drag-out, year-in-the-making BLOWOUT!!!!!!


At 6/05/2005 01:18:00 AM, Blogger Jody said...

Good for you Nettie! Great post too! Congratulations on a whole year, that is quite an accomplishment in blogger land! :)

At 6/05/2005 01:41:00 AM, Blogger Blair said...

Nettie, One thing I have never told you is how much your comments made my bed rest seem doable... I would reach some sort of desperation and a cheery comment from you would make my day(week really), so I am profoundly grateful that you just happened to come across my blog. Congratulations on your first year.

At 6/05/2005 01:58:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Nettie,


A big pat on the back and a hug through cyber space.

Thank you for the laughs, the tears and all the new things I have learned....

God Bless you and long may you continue.............

At 6/05/2005 08:12:00 AM, Blogger Jeff H said...

WOOHOO!!! Tribute soon to be up at my place!!!

At 6/05/2005 11:57:00 AM, Blogger D said...

Darling Nettie,

i'm looking forward to more of your interesting posts!!

you made me laugh.. you made me tear..

you made my day when you left me your email when i was feeling so down..

Congrats on your Blogiversary! Hugs & love ya lots!

At 6/05/2005 12:38:00 PM, Blogger Becca said...

happy blogiversary to nettie
happy blogiversary to nettie...

ladee doo doo la dee deeeeee

WAY to be... only 8 more months till mine! heehee

At 6/05/2005 01:23:00 PM, Blogger Janette said...

Congratulations Nettie!

That was a fun post. I've not been reading you for all that long so it gave me a chance to catch up.


At 6/05/2005 04:06:00 PM, Blogger Blair said...

Oh, and just so you know, I will never forget this is your blogiversary... it is my wedding one too!

At 6/05/2005 09:26:00 PM, Blogger Mark said...

Nettie, you've got a great blog, you've been very generous to mine, but more importantly, you seem like a really neat person. Congrats and many more!

At 6/05/2005 10:45:00 PM, Blogger Darlene Schacht said...

I enjoyed your walk down memory cyberlane! Wow, I got a couple of honourable mentions there! It seemed that something exploded in blogland about a week after we met each other online. Remember the weekend of "How to win friends and influence bloggers?" I met Jeff that week and John and Stacey and the list goes a mile long. It has never been the same since. You are one of the first three to four blogs I click onto whenever I'm on, so keep up the good work!

At 6/06/2005 01:50:00 AM, Blogger Stacey said...

Nettie...I read you still and EVERY SINGLE TIME I pass the B & B I smile just for you! I'm send out my huggies for your anniversary and I say...what the heck, buy yourself a pair of socks!

At 6/06/2005 08:59:00 AM, Blogger KEF said...

Aye, so many links :D

At 6/06/2005 12:08:00 PM, Blogger Stacy said...

Congrats Nettie!!! The growing process that occurs blogging is amazing. We all have to sit back and laugh at ourselves occasionally. It always does my heart good to see the up and coming generations with their heads screwed on correctly and you are a fine example of that. Keep it up!!

At 6/06/2005 12:14:00 PM, Blogger Cindy-Lou said...

Congrats, Nettie! You are such a treasure! Thanks for all the encouragement and inspiration... and links ;) do we celebrate??? If I knew how to knit I'd knit you some cool socks... but I don't...hmmmmmmm.....oh, and I'm a day late.... but you can never be too late to celebrate!!!

At 6/06/2005 02:14:00 PM, Blogger Jennifer Swanepoel said...

Congratulations!!! I tried to comment yesterday, but blogger was being obnoxiious. Anyway, count me in for the party! I was never much of an event planner, I stink at coming up with good party ideas, but I'll show up and bring the dip, and help clean up after! :)

PS- I went to BBW today. GREAT sale! And I found my gardenia bubble bath that they haven't had in for awhile! Yippee!

At 6/06/2005 09:17:00 PM, Blogger Amigo said...

Congrats Nettie! I always enjoy coming here for a good read. Great writing and the stories on your life are interesting.

No new pictures of your nephew?

At 6/06/2005 09:21:00 PM, Blogger Anti-Blogger said...

Hmmm...obviously I have yet to do enough to be mentioned. I will work on that. :)

At 6/07/2005 01:15:00 AM, Blogger mrsd said...

I'm happy to have 'met' you through blogging. You're a mostly cheerful person who has the ability to make me smile. Now there. I've toasted you. Drink your coke. :D

At 6/07/2005 06:16:00 AM, Blogger John said...

Happy Blogiversary Nettie, I love your blog and thank you for all your comments and encouragement! May you be blessed with many years of blogging! :)


At 6/09/2005 12:06:00 PM, Blogger Joy said...

Nice introspective piece

At 2/09/2006 03:14:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember when you were really young? it was an era of inconsequential innocence, even at that age your imagination was larger than large.
Link to this site: song of inspiration

At 5/09/2006 12:16:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life is like playing a mom phone sex violin solo in public and learning the instrument as one goes on. mom phone sex


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