Merry Two Days After Christmas!
It felt very strange to get home relatively early tonight. I was scheduled to get off at 11 and I was out by 11:15. Which is pretty remarkable considering we were there till 3:30 A.M. last night setting the floor for the big sale today. There were five of us that stuck it out and then my manager Harmony took us out for breakfast at Denny's. We had this hilarious waitress, we were the only ones in there. I got home at 10 to 5, and I was so hyped up I decided to deice everyone's cars. I'm not really sure why I felt compelled to do this, I guess I was in a generous mood. I wound up standing outside Denny's myself hacking the ice off my car with a shoe. And I know I am woefully unprepared for winter weather, but how was I supposed to know my car would freeze over while I was inside working? Snow is OK, but ice sucks. Anyway, getting off my winter diatribe, I work 8 hours tomorrow because I picked up someone's shift, but I only have singles for the rest of the week after that. It feels very strange. But I guess that means I won't have to worry about Jack Frost as much, huh?