Some People Will Do It Anywhere
Sleep, that is. (Now get your minds out of the gutter.) There is this guy who sits outside my chem class every day, just hanging out. I assume he has time to kill between classes, and for some reason he chooses to do so on the floor in the basement instead of sitting on some of the semi-comfy chairs they have a couple of floors up. He must have had a rough weekend, because today he was stretched out out on the cold floor asleep. Headphones on, nothing to pillow his head, not a care in the world. I don't understand how people can do this- at least the second and third people I saw doing this today had the benefit of a bench. What if someone was to come up and steal their stuff- or worse? Insert imagination here...
It's not like I have great sleeping habits, though. I can't sleep without the television on. I don't think it's a good thing that I have trained my brain to do this, but I can't stand silence. I don't even really watch it, since I can't see it without my contacts, just listen to it. A lot of times I'll leave it on the History Channel- they have some interesting stuff on at 3 A.M. Another quirk is that I can't sleep dirty. Seriously. If I haven't showered I will keep waking up and can't stay asleep until I do. I have no idea where I acquired THIS peculiarity....
I'm getting the makeover pictures developed tomorrow. I promise. I had to use up the rest of the roll. But in the meantime, here's some new stuff to tide you over...